How to connect to a web based program on a compute node? I.E. Port Forwarding

Normally USERS do not have direct access to compute nodes. 
Assuming the USER's node has access to another node (say headnode
which then has access to computenodeXX, one can do the following: 

1. This will setup port forwarding from the USER'S node to computenodeXX via headnode.

So, so on the USER'S node execute:

                                ssh -L8080:computenodeXX:8080 headnode 

Note: the first number is the USER'S port number and the second the Compute nodes'.

2. On the USER'S node, direct the browser to localhost:8080 

Note that this example allows the forwarding of any port, not just http ports. 

This does not affect Moab in any way.

Last update:
2018-02-27 20:04
William Groves
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