Reporting/Analytics is a huge thing. The "No data for reports" could be a failure in ANY number of connectors. Here is my troubleshooting process:
Moab/Torque Headnodes:
- Make sure moab is running (Moab Headnode)
- Make sure psb_server is running (Torque Headnode)
- Make sure mongod is running (Moab Headnode)
Insight Headnode:
- Make sure insight is running
- Make sure drill is running
Reporting Master Headnode:
- Make sure namenode is running
- Make sure zookeeper is running
- Verify that data is being sent to kafka. On your Reporting Master node: run --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic insight
Wait for 2 minutes and data should come across - Verify hadoop filesystem is mounted:
hadoop fs -ls /reporting (requires 2 files) - Open a browser to <REPORTING MASTER HEADNODE>:8082. If missing the Application, restart Tomcat on the Moab Headnode
- Open a browser to <REPORTING MASTER HEADNODE>:50070 - Everything should be green
Reporting Worker Headnode:
- Make sure the datanode service is running
- Make sure the spark-worker service is running
Kafka Headnode:
- Make sure the kafka service is running
Now that everything is running, find out the last time kafka was updated with any data from insight:
Launch Viewpoint -> Reporting -> Reports -> node state/outage report
Change the Interval to something long enough so you get data. Then look at the last datapoint
Change your refresh to every minute, and see if the reporting framework adds more datapoints as it gets them
Tags: analytics, reporting