- Moab will not start (License has expired.)
Symptom: When starting Moab, you see a long entry saying your license has expired. Starting Moab from the command line results in: License has expired.Please contact Adaptive ... - Moab crashes when processing job (MSchedProcessJobs.c:757)
Symptom: Moab is crashing after pulling TORQUE for job information. A coredump with simmlar results and line numbers would be seen "MSchedProcessJobs.c:757". #8 0x0000000000963b9d in MPBSLoadQueueInfo (R=0x15d4020, ... - Moab commands not responding when setting up HA
Symptom: When setting up Moab in HA you can find that there is a moab process running but all the client commands will return immediately with ... - Moab Web Services fails to start after upgrade, gives "HTTP Status 404 - The requested resource () is not available"
Symptom: Moab Web Services fails to start after upgrade, displaying "HTTP Status 404 - The requested resource () is not available" on the home page (e.g., ... - Moab will only start one job when QFLAGS=PROVISION is in use on a QOS
Issue: Moab will only start one job when QFLAGS=PROVISION is in use on a QOS Affected Versions: All versions prior to 8.0.3, 8.1.2, 7.2.10 Symptom: When a QOS has QFLAGS=PROVISION ... - Moab is rejecting client requests from non-root users
Issue: Moab is rejecting client requests from non-root users. Affected Versions: All Symptom: When running any client commands as a user the request is rejected with the following ... - My job exited with a code and I do not know what that code refers to.
Issue: My job exited with a code, and I do not know what that code refers to. Affected Versions: ALL Symptom: E.g. qstat -f "exit_status = 166" checkjob "Completion Code: 166" Solution: These values ... - Moab/TORQUE dies silently with no core and no logging
Issue: Moab/TORQUE dies silently with no core and no logging Affected Versions: All Symptom: Sometimes Moab or TORQUE will die silently without generating a core file. Solution: In most ... - Moab/TORQUE is reporting a job that is no longer on the node
Issue: Moab/TORQUE is reporting a job that is no longer on the node. Affected Versions: ALL Symptom: Some times a resource manager or compute node may experience some ... - My MPI jobs are failing to run when I run them through TORQUE however they run externally
Issue: My MPI jobs are failing to run when I run them through TORQUE however they run externally. Affected Versions: All Symptom: MPI_Init: ibv_create_cq() failed MPI_Init: Can't initialize RDMA ... - moab: error while loading shared libraries: libtorque.so.2
Issue: moab: error while loading shared libraries: libtorque.so.2 Affected Versions: All Symptom: When starting moab you receive the following error:moab: error while loading shared libraries: libtorque.so.2: cannot open shared ... - Moab will not start, displays "Invalid license file for current host"
Issue: Moab will not start, and displays "Invalid license file for current host" Affected Versions: All Symptom: Trying to start Moab you get the following error: rootatMachineA ~# /etc/init.d/moab ... - MAM throwing "Bank" class errors
Symptom: MAM throwing "Bank" class errors goldd.log is starting to display lots of errors like these:2015-05-11 09:06:53.056 TRACE Gold::Response::failure Invoked with arguments: (315, The Bank class ... - Moab client commands: /usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.10: no version information available (required by mdiag)
Issue: after upgrading Moab and Torque (to versions 8 and 5), all Moab client commands still execute successfully, but they also display a warning message ... - Moab will sometime not resume a suspended job.
Issue: Moab will sometime not resume a suspended job. Symptom: In the moab.log I see messages about circular job priority on two suspended jobs on the same ... - Moab is unable to write the job to Mongo - "0x2100a76"
Issue: Moab is unable to write the job to Mongo - "0x2100a76" Symptom: 2016-02-15T14:18:36.338-0600 26600 ERROR MMongo.cpp:MTransOToMongo:360 0x2100a76b Unable to write out transition object 'Moab.2732220'. 2016-02-15T14:18:36.386-0600 26600 ERROR ... - MPI is not launching the correct tasks on the correct node with 1.10.2
Issue: MPI is not launching the correct tasks on the correct node with 1.10.2. Symptom: When running a mpi rum on 1.10.2 you may see the following: mpirun ... - Moab OS crash in internal_getent after call to MOSGetHostByAddr
Problem: Moab crashes shortly after starting, and the core file gives a gdb backtrace similar to this: #0 0x00002b227171b329 in raise () from /usr/local/lib/libc.so.6#1 0x00002b227171c718 in abort ...