How do I download TORQUE with wget?


Issue: How do I download TORQUE with wget?

Affected Versions: All


When downloading Torque from Adaptive Computing you can see that you click the link and it takes you to a new page before it saves the file. This works fine in a browser, but it makes it hard to get the file using wget.

If you copy the link the name of it looks like it's going to get you the tarball, but you only get a 39k file with html in it.


To download with wget, you first need download the file from the website. Then you can use your browsers Download tools to find the direct url. The url to download the file directly will start with file name)
Alternatively, if you know the filename, you could just prepend that url with the filename.
One note: This works with all new releases. There may be problems getting this to work with old releases sich as 4.2.x and older.

Tags: tarball download, wget
Last update:
2015-06-11 00:14
Jason Booth
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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