MAM throwing "Bank" class errors

Symptom: MAM throwing "Bank" class errors

goldd.log is starting to display lots of errors like these:
2015-05-11 09:06:53.056 TRACE Gold::Response::failure Invoked with arguments: (315, The Bank class does not implement Constraint Query)
2015-05-11 09:07:56.837 TRACE Gold::Response::failure Invoked with arguments: (315, The Bank class does not implement LienAllocation Delete)


None required. These messages are normal, they just mean that the Bank class hasn't implemented an override function. It's the final else clause in that section of the code. So if it's not handled there, then the Base class handles the work. If you lower your logging level, those won't get recorded.

Affected Versions: 8.1.0 (and possibly others).

Tags: mam
Last update:
2015-06-24 20:09
Rick McKay
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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