How can I run two different sets of TORQUE client commands on one system?


How can I run two different sets of TORQUE client commands on one system?


Symptom: Starting in TORQUE 4.x trqauthd was introduced. In the past it was possible to use a single set of TORQUE binarys to interface with multiple TORQUE systems. Starting in 4.x one set of binarys talks to a single instance of trquathd that talks to one pbs_server. This has increased the securty of pbs_server and submithosts. Because of this added measure it is nessassary to compile each set of binarys for each TORQUE instance. Each instance should have seperate sbin, bin, home. and trqauthd socket locations.



Example configure for two different sets of TORQUE client commands.

./configure --with-trqauthd-sock-dir=/tmp/tsoc1/ && make && make instal 

./configure --with-trqauthd-sock-dir=/tmp/tsoc2/ --bindir=/usr/local/bin2/ --sbindir=/usr/local/bin2/ --with-server-home=/var/spool/torque2/ && make && make packages 

Tags: grid, install, multiple client commands, submithost
Last update:
2015-08-28 23:56
Jason Booth
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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