MPI is not launching the correct tasks on the correct node with 1.10.2

Issue: MPI is not launching the correct tasks on the correct node with 1.10.2.

Symptom: When running a mpi rum on 1.10.2  you may see the following:


mpirun hostname 
A request for multiple cpus-per-proc was given, but a directive 
was also give to map to an object level that has less cpus than 
requested ones: 

#cpus-per-proc: 1 
number of cpus: 0 

Please specify a mapping level that has more cpus, or else let us 
define a default mapping that will allow multiple cpus-per-proc. 


Solution: This is a known issue ( ). Pleasr upgrade OpenMP to 1.10.3rc1 or later.

Tags: OpenMP, Please specify a mapping
Last update:
2016-04-29 20:16
Jason Booth
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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