Getting Torque source code


Looking for instructions on how to check out Torque source code


The download tarball/s available in the Download Center ( contain Torque source code. If you need to get an older branch, one of the active development branches, commit history, etc., you can clone the source from github. Here is the basic format for doing that with the git command:

$ git clone git:// -b 5.0.0 my-5.0.0

This will create a "my-5.0.0" directory with all the source code and other files associated with the 5.0.0 branch. If the cloned branch is a released version, that means the branch is frozen, and will not get any further updates.

To see other available branches, you can run:

$ git branch -r

This will list all remote branches. You can also see the source code online at:

Last update:
2016-06-03 20:25
Rick McKay
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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