TORQUE appears to be unresponsive with error (Pbs Server is currently too busy to service this request. Please retry this request.)'


TORQUE appears to be unresponsive with error (Pbs Server is currently too busy to service this request. Please retry this request.)'


-00:02:44 'job submit failed - qsub: submit error (Pbs Server is currently too busy to service this request. Please retry this request.)' 
clusterquery (34 of 737 failed) 
-00:01:57 'cannot load cluster info - pbs_errno=15033' 
queuequery (40 of 735 failed) 
-00:01:57 'cannot get queue info - no data available' 


Consider looking at 

cat /proc/´pgrep pbs_server´/status |grep -i thred

If the output is over 400, in this case Threads: 516, then consider setting a "max_threads" value in pbs_servers qmgr.


A good number for this value can be calculated with the following formula.

(2 * the number of procs listed in /proc/cpuinfo) + 1. If Torque is unable to read /proc/cpuinfo, the default is 10.

For most sites a value of 270-350 is suficient. Anything over 400 will most likely cause the OS to thrash between threads.  

Tags: currently too busy to service this request
Last update:
2016-08-08 17:21
Jason Booth
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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