What are the accounting "x attributes" in qstat -f?


What are the accounting "x attributes" in qstat -f?

The Torque configure script (for building it) has this option:
--enable-acct-x enable adding x attributes to accounting log


The value of x is, and are the comments found in qstat -f 

[jbooth@ibm08 ~]$ qstat -f 246
Job Id: 246.ibm08.ac
Job_Name = test

x = SID:Moab;SJID:246;SRMJID:246

In my case they are the Moab added comments for the job and contain jobID information.

(gdb) p pjob->ji_wattr[JOB_SITE_ATR_x].at_val.at_str
$3 = 0x7fe214090020 "SID:Moab;SJID:246;SRMJID:246"

Tags: qstat, x attributes
Last update:
2016-08-08 17:58
Jason Booth
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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