Permitted Torque job name characters


We have users who would like to specify special/non-English characters in job names (with -N), but qsub rejects those submissions. What character sets does Torque allow?



Torque only accepts "ASCII printable characters" (codes 33-126). Currently (as of Torque version 6.1), the code checks for legal job names with a call to isgraph(). The man page for isgraph() reads: 

"checks for any printable character except space." 

Non-English language characters fall in the extended ASCII character set (codes 128-255).

Adaptive Computing may add localization support in the future, but this will have to be done in concert with all other Adaptive HPC Suite components.

Last update:
2016-12-15 23:49
Rick McKay
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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