What are the fields in the events statistics files?

These events files are found in the $MOABHOMEDIR/stats directory, and contain detailed logging of job-related events.  The filename is of the format "events.<weekday>_<month>_<day>_year.  For example, "events.Wed_Mar_22_2023".
The first five fields are fixed-format, and are as follows:
  1. <Recorded time in HH:MM:SS>
  2. <Event time (epoch date)>:<Event id>
  3. <Object type: 8 characters, left justified (%-8s)>
  4. <Object id: 12 characters, left justified (%-12s)>
  5. <Event type: 12 characters, left justified (%-12s)>
The remaining fields are space-delimited attribute/value pairs, and are defined as follows (I'll also attach a PDF file with the same information)
Description of the named fields in the event logs
Attribute Description
NAME User specified name of job, job ID
REQUESTEDNC Number of nodes required by job, job's total "compute" node count
REQUESTEDTC Number of tasks required by job, job's total "compute" task count
UNAME UserID under which job will run, User credential name
GNAME GroupID under which job will run, Group credential name
USER Proxy user if a proxy submission, otherwise will match UNAME
WCLIMIT Walltime required by job, requested walltime limit
STATE State of job, RM job state
RCLASS List of <CLASSNAME>:<COUNT> pairs indicating type and number of class instances required per task. (i.e., [batch:1] or [batch:2][tape:1]), Class name
SUBMITTIME Time job was submitted to resource manager, time job was submitted to RM by the user
DISPATCHTIME time job was dispatched by RM
STARTTIME Time job was started by the resource manager, time job began most recent execution
COMPLETETIME Time job completed execution, time job execution completed (according to Moab's clock)
RARCH Architecture required by job, HW arch
ROPSYS Operating system required by job, required OS
RMEMCMP Real memory comparison (i.e., node must have >= 512MB RAM), One of '>=', '>', '==', '<', or '<='
RMEM Real memory (RAM, in MB) required to be configured on nodes allocated to the job
UMEM job's total memory usage
RDISKCMP Local disk comparison (i.e., node must have > 2048 MB local disk)
RDISK Local disk space (in MB) required to be configured on nodes allocated to the job, required disk resources
RFEATURES List of features required on nodes
SYSTEMQUEUETIME time job was initially eligible to start
TASKSPERNODE Exact number of tasks required per node
REQUESTEDQOS Quality of service requested, quality of service requested
QOS Quality Of Service credential name
FLAGS Job flags
ACCOUNT Account credential name
COMMAND job executable command
RMXSTRING Resource Manager Extensions
BYPASSCOUNT number of times lower prio job was backfilled
PSUTILIZED procseconds utilized by job
PARTITION assigned partition
DPROCS Number of processors dedicated to the job, job's total processor count
DMEM Quantity of memory (in MB) that must be dedicated to each task of the job, job's total memory count (for first req)
DDISK Quantity of local disk space (in MB) that must be dedicated to each task of the job, total dedicated disk resources (for first req)
DSWAP Quantity of virtual memory (swap, in MB) that must be dedicated to each task of the job, total dedicated swap resources (for first req)
STARTDATE Earliest time job should be allowed to start, user specified earliest start time
ENDDATE Time by which job must complete, user specified latest completion date
GRES all GRes from all reqs
TASKMAP The allocation taskmap for the job, nodelist map with task counts
SRM rm to which job is submitted
HOSTLIST List of required hosts on which job must run, required hosts
REQRSV Name of reservation where job must run, required rsv name/group
TEMPLATE List of 'job match' structures
MESSAGE job messages
EXITCODE Job exit code, execution completion code
SID System ID (global job system owner), session id of primary task
VARIABLE list of (job) variables
NODEALLOCATIONPOLICY Node Access Policy (I know, it is named one thing and reports another)
GMETRIC utilized total generic metric values
EFFECTIVEQUEUEDURATION duration of time job was eligible to run
RMSUBMITSTRING raw command file
DRMJID destination resource manager job ID

Last update:
2024-06-14 15:28
Rob Greenbank
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